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Stressed out?? And…creamy sun-dried tomato chicken pasta!

…quickly. Vitamin C is essential for adrenal function and can help your body deal with stress.  2. Rhodiola Rosea –View full post »

“Yummiest (paleo) waffles EVER!”

…he decided they were “really delicious” and then, he continued to eat almost all of them. Sometimes he’s worseView full post »

‘Tis the season…

…make something for a group. It serves 8-12. Paleo Breeze 24 fresh mint sprigs 12 fresh rosemary sprigs 1/2 cup honey (optional) 2View full post »

Chorizo Cauliflower Rice Stew

…as much as my husband and I did. I asked my daughter to rank what place she would put this soup. As I was eagerly awaiting herView full post »


…SOME FAVORITE HOLIDAY RECIPES Sweet Potato Casserole   The Best Paleo (or not) Chocolate Pie ever  Turkey, BroccoliView full post »

Chicken Thai…and I wonder why?

…me and depresses me at the same time. Did you know: According to the CDC: Cases of children with severe peanut allergy more thanView full post »

It’s just not the same (and Houston’s Chicken Salad!)…

…Food today is just not the same as when we were growing up. We didn’t eat meat and dairy with so many hormones (that areView full post »

A personal confession and a taco casserole….

…by getting diagnosed earlier (which can help prevent damage), and I hope to do the same. People that have an IBD (Crohn’s orView full post »

Coloring is for art…not for food!

…Frequent Crying Spells Asthma Eczema According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, food coloring such as blue no. 1,View full post »

Super Easy Side — Roasted Garlic Asparagus….

…garlic cloves (we use pre-pealed Trader Joe’s), olive oil, salt, pepper and some lemon juice. Easy enough! Makes for a greatView full post »

Why are we so afraid of fat?

…He was actually not a cardiologist, or even an MD, but a man who earned his PhD studying salt-water eels. His 1958 televisedView full post »

How food can really help us…

…was completely overwhelmed at how to revamp the entire way we approached food, shopping, menu planning, baking, lunch packing,View full post »