Monthly Archives: October 2011

Roasted pumpkin seeds!
We love our pumpkin seeds, and maybe the mess even more. My kids have been dying to get into our pumpkin for the past couple of weeks. SoView full post »

Yay! It’s almost here and it is one of my favorite holidays of the year. I love the weather, the pretty fall leaves, the kiddosView full post »

One of my husband’s favorites…
Since my husband has been traveling a little more lately, (temporarily thank goodness!), he misses out on a lot of our meals. Anyway, IView full post »

I love Asheville…
I had the most wonderful weekend with my husband in Asheville, NC. We got to sleep in, eat fabulous food (and there was plenty ofView full post »

Paleo pumpkin muffins
I love warm baked goods time time of year, especially all things pumpkin. I know most pumpkin bread/muffin recipes tend to be prettyView full post »

Nothing like some black bean soup…
To warm you up on a cool day like today. My kids love this stuff! It’s a great snack, side, meal, or it even makes for a really goodView full post »

Coffee….or Cacao?!
Since I quit all caffeine March of this year (I drank coffee since the 11th grade!), I have been surprised at how much I really don’tView full post »

I must confess…
So I made a lasagna for the first time in years and it was delicious! My daughter tried it and said, “Mom, I love it, but what areView full post »

Snack time!
I think snacks can be the trickiest thing we have to feed our kids. We all want convenience, but we also want healthy options.View full post »

Chocolate Macaroons!
So my lovely in-laws came over the other evening for dinner and they are always such sports eating whatever simple healthy food I’mView full post »

Chicken Tuscan Soup…
After a rainy dreary day like today, I couldn’t wait to get my little man down for a nap so I could make some soup. A friend of mineView full post »

Why are we so afraid of fat?
This is a long one, but, it’s important… Okay, I know, I know, we all grew up with the notion that fat makes us fat. We were all on theView full post »