Monthly Archives: September 2011

Salmon cakes…
I’m always up for new ways of getting the family to eat more salmon. I read about this on Sarah Fragraso’s web site and just had to giveView full post »

Oh so easy….
We love kale chips! They’re yummy, crunchy and incredibly easy to make. I buy Glory Foods Kale (at Publix) already cut up. I’ll throwView full post »

Sugar, the other drug…
The kids helped me go through the pantry this weekend and we threw away things that we just don’t use anymore. This huge tub ofView full post »

Scott’s specialty…
The best gift I ever got my husband was a Big Green Egg. He loves that thing more than anything. And l love him cooking on it, so itView full post »

Worms! They are great protein and live in the soil which is chock full of healthy minerals. Add a little almond flour and coconut oilView full post »

Cookie monster!
So I made these vegan peanut butter cookies for the kids today for the first time. Knowing I don’t really care for peanut butter, nor doView full post »

But it’s so expensive…
Yes, it absolutely can be. But you figure out ways to save here and there, and make it work. Let’s talk about some of the waysView full post »

Slow cooker Mexican chicken chili…
Or cleaning up the kitchen, yet again. So on days like this, I’ll pull out the slow cooker. It’s almost like cheating it’s so easy. MyView full post »

Don’t ask ’em…
Alright, so before I start, I have to apologize for the messy picture, but that’s what you get sometimes with a candid shot. So when itView full post »

Chicken tet kind of day…
So when I woke up this morning it was so overcast and cool, and well, it just felt like the perfect day for chicken tetrazzini. Now it’sView full post »

Let’s play!
Good nutrition is so important for our kids, but being active is just as important! Growing up as an only child, many times I wasView full post »

Who knew meatballs could be cute?
So I’m not sure who or what my little friend is here, but if it makes my kids smile, that’s all that matters, right? These littleView full post »