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Breakfast on the go…

Unfortunately, the biggest obstacle to eating healthy is cooking. I don’t mind cooking, but the time just isn’t always there.   Anyway, when I know I’m going to have some hectic mornings (more so than usual) in a week, I’ll make these on Sunday.  Then, I can just pop a couple in the microwave for a few seconds, grab a napkin, and I’m good to go!

Here’s what you need:

  • 8 free range omega-3 eggs
  • 1 tbsp grassfed Kerrygold butter
  • bacon or sausage, cooked ahead of time
  • onions, chopped
  • spinach, chopped
  • sundried tomatoes, chopped
  • mushrooms, chopped
  • salt and pepper
  • garlic powder
  • some cheddar cheese (optional)
  • foil baking cupcake liners

Here’s what you need to do:

1.  Preheat overn to 350.

2.  Whisk eggs well in a large bowl.

3.  Heat pan, add butter, and sautee veggies and set it aside.

4.  Cook bacon, sausage or ham, chop it up, and set it aside.

5.  Mix everything together in bowl with eggs.

6.  Spray cupcake holders and pour in eggs about 1/2 the way full.  I filled mine to the top because I only had a 6 pan muffin tin when we were out of town so that is why these look so big.

7.  Cook on 350 for 20 or so minutes or until you test with butter knife and it comes out clean and enjoy immediately, or later on!

Makes approximately 12 egg muffins.

By the way, I tried these without cupcake liners and actually used a good amount of coconut oil or butter, but they still suck to the tins so had to use a butter knife to get them out.  So if you don’t have the liners, it’s not a big deal, just a little more of a pain.

  • Andrew Strilaeff - Hi Patty. Do you have a recipe for non-grain bread?
    -or other suggestion?
    I always want my animal protein in a sandwich.
    -or long bun of some kind.

    You rock…


  • kell - Hi Landria!
    i just found your blog and could not be more pleased! it is beautiful with great photography and your recipes look unique, yet simple and delicious . . . cant wait to try them out. i was browsing around checking out all the stuff ive missed (where have you been all my life 🙂 haha) and found several recipes i cant wait to try. i even pinned your chocolate macaroons yesterday and with a few minutes, some 11 people had repinned and 6 likes!! anyway, just wondering if you are on pinterest? id love to follow you on there too!! otherwise, thanks for al the good stuff on the blog!! absolutely love it!!

    • landriav - Kell,
      Thanks so much for your sweet email!!! And I’m so glad you’re enjoying the blog. That really makes me feel good!! Oh and I have to tell you, your pin from Pinterest explains a lot. I had a TON of hits last night and couldnt figure out why the big increase in just 1 day…until I read your email, so thank you! 🙂 Oh, and I do have my own pinterest board at:
      Anyway, thanks again for making my day!ReplyCancel

  • Adriane - Hi. Would you happen to know, roughly, how many calories this is? Thanks.ReplyCancel

    • landriav - Hi! I would guess 100 calories per muffin, at the most. Hope this helps!ReplyCancel

  • Kathy Bober - Would it be ok to freeze these?ReplyCancel

    • landriav - Absolutely. We freeze them all the time!ReplyCancel

  • Rebecca Markline - Love your blog & recipes, thank youReplyCancel

  • Molly - I just bought the book and have already tried a few things! For the egg muffin recipes what do I replace the grassfed butter with since I’m dairy free? Would that be coconut oil? or? Thanks!!ReplyCancel

    • landriav - Hey Molly! Sorry for my delay. You could use avocado oil. That would be my first choice. Or actually ghee if you can use that. My clients that are dairy free can use ghee since it’s just fat and doesn’t have lactose, casein, whey or any milk proteins.ReplyCancel

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