A lot of times out of ease and habit, I end up making the same things over and over. I don’t have to think (much), I know what to do, and I know what I like. But today, we made something a little different for our family and I’m so glad we did.
Growing up I was never a big fan of beets (along with many other things that I now love!) so thought it was time to try them again. And, after reading what a super food they are, (NY Times article listed them and #1 food we should be eating) how could we not at least try them again?
Here’s why they are so great for us:
Beets are also a source of heart-healthy folate and a great source of the antioxidant manganese and heart-healthy potassium. They contain dietary fiber, free radical scavenging vitamin C, copper, magnesium (good for bone health), and energy-producing iron and phosphorus. They are full of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C. They are also a wonderful source of calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, sodium and iron. Beets also contain choline, folic acid, iodine, organic sodium, iron and fiber. That’s a lot of stuff in one little beet!
And of course, I roasted them!
Here’s what you need:
- 3 beets
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
- celtic sea salt
- feta and walnuts (optional)
Here’s what we did:
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. I cleaned them really well with a brush and some Rebel Green from Whole Foods (see above). This stuff is great.
3. Cut off the tops and bottoms and then slice with your awesome mandolin (best $18 ever spent) in about 30 seconds nice and evenly.
4. Mix in a bowl with melted coconut oil or olive oil.
5. Add some celtic or himalayan salt.
6. Lay flat on cookie sheet and let cook 10 min one side and then flip and cook another 10 minutes (or a little darker red).
7. Turn stove off and allow beets to sit in the stove another 20 or 30 minutes but check on them to make sure they aren’t burning.
8. Garnish with feta and walnut or eat plain and enjoy!
So I tried to fancy these up with some feta and walnuts so the kiddos would like them. They love feta and the sweet and salty balance was perfect! But oddly enough, the kids didn’t like them with the walnut and feta or not even just with plain feta. But, they absolutely gobbled up some plain crunchier ones!! Sometimes I forget about their simplier taste buds…
Oh and back to making the same old thing talk. Well, my lesson here is you don’t have to do something so completely new. Just mix it up a little, which is what I did. I had some beets left over and I cut them up, threw them in my usual chicken sausage salad, used these super greens below (to go with my super beets!) instead of my regular spinach, and it awesome!!! I need to remember variety doesnt have to be so hard, or different or complicated!
kell - hi! i just found your beautiful blog and i love it!! thanks for all the recipes and healthy ideas!!
ps. i posted a recipe of yours on pinterest and it was an absolute hit!!!!
Lisa - Love beets!!! I’ll have to try the chips with my kids. Have you discovered the vacuumed packed beets at Trader Joe’s? Love them on my salad when I’m in a rush. Saturday morn muffins were a huge hit here!
landriav - So glad the muffins were a hit! So where do you find those beets? I HAVE to try them!!! Thanks for the tip, and for posting Lisa!!
Shannon - Sounds yummy!! I read through it quickly but didn’t see anything about the skin, did you leave it on and eat it too??
landriav - Shannon, I left the skins on. Thanks for asking that! Good question.
Lisa - Trader Joe’s steamed and peeled baby beets are over by the peeled garlic you recommend! Now where did you get the pretty beets with the rings in your photo?
landriav - Awesome, can’t wait to check those out! Thanks! Oh, and those beets were from the Dekalb Farmer’s Market.