So, lots of people ask what our kids eat for lunch. For today, Tate was eating a grass fed hotdog, organic carrots, organic blueberries, cashews and some 73 percent cacao dark chocolate almonds. And, he loves his almond milk! We get the 60 calorie one with 7 grams of sugar. No flavored ones unless it’s under 7 grams of sugar! And it has 15% more calcium than skim milk. We’re trying to get Pop Pop (my dad) on our meal plan too.
Alice’s lunch comes with a little more variety but we usually include 4 of the following:
Olives, turkey sticks (Wellshire Farms Organics), cucumbers or carrots, nut butter with apples for dipping, grapes, celery with cream cheese, and dark chocolate almonds for a treat. Then sometimes we’ll add in a warm meal in her thermos of either veggie black bean soup, grass fed sloppy joe, grass fed spaghetti sauce, or my version of chicken tetrazzini.)