Today, Alice and I went to see one of the pediatricians at her doctor’s practice. While I really like and respect this man (he’s not her normal doctor), he really harped on how she needed to drink lots and lots of cow’s milk. Cow’s milk huh?
Oh and he was specific on the type of cow’s milk. He didn’t mention organic but he was big on “low fat cow’s milk” because “kids don’t need extra fat, and you know…that is what causes heart disease”. Wait, what?! Kids don’t need extra fat? No omega-3s,6s or 9s? No DHA? No EPA? Isn’t that what develops their brains and gives them energy?! And wait, since when did cow’s milk cause heart disease?? There are so many crazy myths out there about cholesterol and/or heart disease!!!
Anyway, I just smiled and nodded as my daughter stared at me with wide eyes.
Now, we all know that animal fat is high in cholesterol, right? Right. And it causes heart disease, right? Actually, no, that’s not right. It absolutely does not cause heart disease. Even Dr. Oz has now come to grips with it…
I was going to do a long post on cholesterol and heart disease but I really think Dr. Oz’s show and some of the links below can explain it better than I can in a short post.
So, what is the conclusion?
- High cholesterol is not the primary cause of heart disease.
- Diets high in saturated fat and cholesterol don’t cause heart disease.
- Consumption of margarine & hydrogenated oils are linked to heart disease, cancer and many other conditions because it causes inflammation.
- Sugar damages arteries, increases blood pressure, and ages your organs and yes, it also causes inflammation.
So let’s celebrate cholesterol with some good ole grass fed beef!
So after just getting back in town Friday and then working all weekend, this is what I came home to Sunday night….
Not only did my husband have a great dinner ready, but also he made enough to supplement breakfast, snack or lunch for the week too. Ahhh so nice!!! I know they aren’t necessarily pretty but man they are good!!! One of my besties shared some with me and the kids last week and we absolutely loved them.
Anyway this is a recipe from Nomnompaleo with a few adjustments. Aside from the Thai Burger I posted at the beginning of summer, this is my favorite burger. Actually, I prefer this one, but it could be because it’s new. It’s tastes almost creamy to me. I think that’s why the kids and I love them so much.
I know, I can hear some of you thinking, “but my kids won’t like them because they’re green”. And that may be true, but they really do taste so good that I think it’s worth a shot. Worst case, you have some fantastic leftovers for the week. Oh and by the way, my husband doubled the recipe so we could have leftovers, but he knew already that we loved them.
- 1o oz. frozen chopped spinach
- 1 tbsp Kerrygold (or any grass fed) butter
- 1/2 cup finely chopped yellow onion (from 1/2 medium onion)
- 1/2 pound mushrooms, finely chopped (can skip fresh mushroom and onions if in a hurry and just use onion powder 1 tsp)
- 1/4 cup coconut milk
- 1 pound grass fed ground beef
- 1/4 cup coconut flour
- 1 medium garlic clove, minced
- 2 tsp celtic salt
- 1 1/2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
- 2 large eggs, lightly beaten
Allow frozen spinach to thaw. Put in colander and strain. You may want to squeeze with hands to really get the water out.
Next, saute finely chopped mushrooms in butter, and then once cooked, put them in a large bowl with the strained spinach. Then add the rest of the ingredients and mix well by hand. Then form small slider sized burgers. Warm your cast iron skillet on medium to medium high heat. Place burgers in pan, flip once they are brown on one side, and continue to cook on the other side until the desired temperature. That’s it. I hope y’all enjoy them as much as we did!
I swear they are sooo much better than they look. They are also fabulous dipped in a tomato or marinara sauce!
Some last quick thoughts…
This weekend’s Prepping Kid for School with Nutrition events went really well. I hope everyone got some good take-aways and great new lunch and snack ideas for your kids for school. I really had a lot of fun doing it!
I have had a number of people say they were not able to make this weekend’s event and wondered if we would offer it again. We’ll aim to do another session sometime this fall but need to figure out a good day/time that will work best with schedules. If you were one of those that told me you wanted to attend but couldn’t, would you please let me know what day/time would work best and we will try to accommodate? That would be so helpful!
Oh and thanks again to Dan from Trader Joe’s for coming out too! That was such a treat!!!
Randa - You were probably wise not to try and engage the doc on the subject. 🙂 Those conversations sometimes go nowhere fast, it seems (sadly). Anyhow, thanks for this recipe — going to try it really soon. Your meals have been some of our favorites (Mock Houston’s chicken salad, ground beef with “texas caviar”-like topping, etc. etc.), so I’m so glad you share them!
landriav - Ha, yeah, lesson learned years ago Randa! Thanks so much for your comment. So nice to hear and so glad y’all are loving some of the recipes!!
Shannon - Did u sauté the onions too or mix in raw?
landriav - Oh sorry, sauté the onions as well!
Marla-Deen - Can’t wait to try these! Green doesn’t scare me!
landriav - HA, I hope you love them Marla-Dean! BTW, missed you last Fri!!!
Lauren L - Can’t wait to try these. My second fermentation of my Kombucha is almost ready too. Oh, and Kane never drank cow’s milk… After breastmilk it was straight to Hemp milk… And he’s never had an ear infection! Thanks for all you do Landria!
landriav - Oh nice! I used just some OJ for our last batch and it was Tate’s favorite so far! Glad to hear yours is already ready!! Yes, no need for all that dairy. It just seems to cause problems!! Thanks for your comment Lauren! And BTW, did Tate tell you how much I loved and appreciated your sweet card. I hope he did. Enjoy the last week of school!