So my hubby and I went out last night for our anniversary dinner last weekend and I had the most amazing desert I think I’ve ever had. Okay, it was the only desert I’ve had out in many years so that was a treat in itself, but wow, this was a-maaazing. And no, it’s not Whole 30 approved, but when the waitress come and told us what was in it, and being that it was a special occassion, I just couldn’t turn it down. Believe me, you wouldn’t have either! Needless to say, I couldnt wait to try to recreate it!
What is so fun and awesome about this was the main ingredient (don’t judge before you try it) ! Any guesses? Don’t peek. I’ll give you a hint…it’s a vegetable. You peeked, didn’t you? Can you believe it? Avocados!! It was better than any other chocolate pudding, mouse etc. that I’ve ever had! On top of it being healthy, the recipes has so few ingredients, and it is also the easiest dessert I’ve ever made! I told you I get excited when I find new things that I love! So fun! And, my in-laws, whom I’m very proud of by the way, (have been eating healthy lately and are feeling great, sleeping well and also loosing a good amount of weight (bonus!)), came over for dinner and they ate it as well. My mother-in-law, who is a serious chocolate connosour, said it was “really good!” and my father in law said it was “FANTASTIC, really fantastic!!!”. Woo hoo!
Here’s what you need:
- 2 ripe avocados
- 1/2 cup cocoa powder (i didnt use cacao because i wasn’t sure it would blend together)
- 1/2 cup maple
- 1/2 cup full fat coconut milk
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/4 tsp salt
Mix all of the ingredients together with a hand blender until smooth, scoop into ramakins and enjoy immediately or put in the fridge for a bit to get it cooler and enjoy! Yep, that’s it!

By the way, I would either pour a little coconut milk on your treat or dip each scoup into a little milk. It REALLY balances it out nicely and the whole family agreed it was even better with the coconut milk!
Kim - Just made this pudding. I made a couple of changes based on what I had in the kitchen. I used unsweetened almond milk (no added sweeteners in it), and I did use 100% cacao powder which blended beautifully. Extremely smooth. I used 3 avocados because mine were kind of small. And I used 1/4 cup agave nectar and 1/4 cup raw, unfiltered honey. I made it in my Vitamix… and easy! My 16 year old son LOVES it. He was shocked to know it has avocados in it. Very exciting new dessert!!! Thanks!
landriav - Nice to know you can use cacao! I will do that next time for sure. Love an extra nutrients for our little ones, and ourselves! And good to hear it was nice and smooth!! That is key and I’m sure the vitamix helps. I so need a vitamix! Thanks so much for posting Kim!!!
Tami - Hi. I just made this pudding and it is great. I am diabetic so I can’t use honey or agave so I used my favorite brand of artifical sweetener and it turned out great.
landriav - Awesome Tami!! What did you use? I like Stevia a lot. So glad it turned out well with an artificial sweetener too! Thank you for posting!
Alex - I just made this and it rocked my socks off!! Trying to contain myself from eating the whole batch! I haven’t met one of your recipes I didn’t love!
landriav - HA!! I love that! Did the girls try it yet? 🙂 Thanks Alex!!
Sally (Moody) Ussery - Hey Landria! I love your blog, have tried lots of the recipes. My husband loves the black bean soup (this is a major feat for him to enjoy something really healthy and ask me to make it a lot). I’m curious, what restaurant had a desert made with avocados? Was it Urban PL8? Would love to know about more healthy restaurants in the area. Thanks for sharing all of your great recipes.
landriav - Hi Sally! Thanks so much! Yes, it was Urbanpl8. Have you been? It’s one of our favorites and their brunch is amazing too! We also use to like Yeah Burger, same part of town, but last time it wasn’t as good and the service wasn’t great. But love that they have bison and grass fed beef, gluten free sweet potato fries (you have to ask for no sugar), and gf beer (bards!). Honestly, we dont eat out that much and typically the places we go are pretty kid friendly. I actually love the chicken rice soup (without the rice) at La Parilla. I always add guac to my soup, get a large and make it a meal. But the nice thing about eating this way, you can always get a meat and steamed or sauteed veggies somewhere! Good question. I should make it a post! Thanks for asking, and posting! I hope you’re doing well! 🙂
Leslie - Wow – super easy to make and in seconds flat. The taste is absolutely superb and my kids ranked it as one of their favorite treats at the house. I can’t wait to show it off to my mom.
landriav - Awesome!!! That is SO great to hear. Thanks for sharing Leslie!!
Chris Colwell - OH MY GOSH!!! I can’t wait to try this. If Star says it’s good – it’s good enough for me.
Midori Jordan - I have enjoyed reading your blog. I stumbled across it while googling paleo recipes and cannot be more pleased. I have tried several of your recipes and they are all so delicious and cannot wait to cook up more from your site. Thanks for sharing! By the way, this dessert was delicious!
landriav - Thanks so much Midori! I really appreciate that!!!
Angela Kinley - My son licked the bowl clean!!! I never told him what was in it…….he thought it was amazing!!
landriav - Awesome Angela!! I think the trick is to not tell them what it actually is. I think it find of freaked me out the first bite I had too! Thanks for telling me!!!:)
Sandra - Made this pudding tonight and o.m.g! So amazing my husband and I were licking the bowls!!! Thanks so much for sharing!
landriav - It’s so good, isn’t it Sandy?? I need to make this again once I’m done with my sugar detox!! 🙂
Jules - I’m not paleo or even especially health conscious. I do, however, love chocolate and to cook with unexpected ingredients. This recipe was daring me to make it. Avocado? Really?! You win. It is awesome!
landriav - HA! I love it Jules!!! Thanks for letting me know!