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These are a couple from emails that I have randomly received over the years that I wanted to share. With their permission, I wanted you to see just how diet can change your life…

“After 2 1/2 years, 20 unhelpful doctors and specialists, today I got the message i have been praying for from Jackie: “i can go through the day without feeling terrible”. Thank you to Landria Voigt, miracle nutritionist, CentreSpringMD, and most importantly God who has answered our prayers. Rejoicing today. Praise God.” -SB

“I was very strict with my gluten/dairy free diet through the spring and it was the first time in over 10 years that I did not have any “seasonal” allergy problems, first time I’ve been without a raging sinus infection in forever! I’m getting choked up and teary eyed as I type this; I have felt like a prisoner for years. Every single time I went outside between March and June I would get uncontrollable post nasal drip that always led to a months long sinus infection; absolute misery. This year I didn’t even have to clear my throat.  I have seen multiple allergists, had all the skin prick tests, labs drawn etc no one could ever tell me anything.  And honestly the whole experience was just an unexpected bonus.  My inflammatory issues have all but disappeared. In fact just a couple weeks into my new diet I went on a 3 hour hike with my family and my husband whined and moaned the whole time about his knees.  For most of that 3 hours I carried one or the other of my kids and at one point I even carried both of them for a mile or so.  It didn’t occur to me until the next day that I had absolutely no pain AT ALL!  My muscles were a little sore but my joints were FINE; again it brings tears to my eyes to think about how I had been living.  

My friend, who you worked with, also saw immediate and transformative results with her son who has Crohn’s.  Within a few weeks he was off steroids, no more bleeding and his attitude and emotional well being took an extremely positive turn.  I know she is incredibly grateful for your guidance, you gave her hope and an action plan at one of the most heartbreaking and vulnerable times in her life. “AM

“I wanted to let you know that after 4 months of being completely gluten and dairy free(1st of the year) I finally felt a ton better. Oct-Jan I lost about 8 lbs. now I am at about 2lbs a week! Total weight loss to date around 15-16 lbs! I have deemed this my “Recovery Year”. I  forever grateful to you!” – DF

“Truly I say thank you!  Last night was the first time in months that I did not have a stomach ache and gas!!! I didn’t have any gluten and cut out dairy except for the eggs in the muffins!  I gobbled down one and then actually felt hungry for the amazing chicken!!!  Bone broth cooked all night and I could drink it by the gallons it is so yummy!!!! Just wanted to encourage you and let you know I am so grateful!” MC


  • Anne - Dear blogger,

    I havent really read much of your blog per se, but I was looking for good recipes. I have been trying to go paleo and eat healthy for a long time but my problem was finding easy and great tasting dishes. When I found your site, I became obsessed with all of these recipes. I have cooked five of the dishes so far and every one of them have been keepers. I am really glad that you made this site. I am even more excited to try your other recipes.

    Thank you,


    • landriav - So great to hear!! Thanks so much Anne! I hope you find more recipes you love. ❤️ReplyCancel

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