Years ago, after the FDA said not to give young children cough medicine, I remember thinking, “Oh great, now what am I suppose to use?” But little did I know that there were natural remedies that are actually MORE effective (with less side effects). What is that natural remedy? I’ll give you a hint. This anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal product is likely something your grandparents used. It’s great treating for allergies, benefiting your skin, healing wounds AND raising your immune system. Okay, that wasn’t really a hint, sorry about that, but it was an easy way to tell you some of its other benefits. Anyway, it’s…
HONEY! But not just any ole’ honey, honey…
It’s a raw honey, and in particular, Buckwheat honey. I get mine at Whole Foods…
He’s so old and over this. Can you tell? Anyone has some little ones I can borrow for blog pictures? Mine are getting too old!!
A study from Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine found that “children who received a small dose of buckwheat honey before bedtime slept better and coughed less than those who received either a common over-the-counter cough suppressant (dextromethorphan) or nothing at all.” See full article here.
This article actually sites a study that concluded that honey (with coffee) can be MORE effective than steroids (prednisone). What?! Now that is impressive!!
And, both the World Health Organization and American Academy of Pediatrics both recommend honey to help calm a cough. Okay, enough already, I think you get my point.
Oh by the way, NEVER EVER give kids under the age of 1 honey!
So for kids at least 1 year of age, but the studies were on kids 2 and older, use 1-2 tsp with some warm water and sip. And don’t be worried about the sugar keeping them up at night. The honey actually helps release tryptophan, the compound famous for making us sleepy after eating turkey at Thanksgiving.
For adults, add ground ginger (1/2 tsp), lemon (juice from 1/2 lemon) and a dash cayenne pepper. Sounds delicious, doesn’t it? Okay, maybe not. But it is very soothing and can aid in killing bacteria, relieving sore throats, and helping strengthen your immune system. The ginger can help with upset stomach and relieve aches and pains associated with colds and flu. It also is a great expectorant and will help break up mucus in the lungs as well as soothe painful sore throats. The lemon boosts immunity, alkalizes & detoxifies the body, and provides vitamin C. And the cayenne, well, it is potent and effectively treats fevers, sore throats, nausea, and other digestive issues.
I hope you all stay well this Winter season, but if you do you find your kids or yourself not up to par, I hope you will consider using raw honey. It tastes a heck of a lot better than any cough medicine out there anyway!!
Have any of you tried it before? How about the manuka honey? I would love to hear about your experience. That stuff is suppose to be pretty amazing…
Emily Crouch - Thanks for this Landria! I’ve always used raw honey for my kids and I but wondered about your recommendation for the buckwheat honey in particular vs. other kinds? I use a local raw honey from Home Town Honey. Thanks.
landriav - Hi Erin! Some of the studies were actually on Buckwheat in particular. But, I’m sure any raw local honey is great!!
Coleen - I knew about honey for colds, etc. but didn’t know it had to be raw honey — no wonder!! Thanks for the info!
landriav - Sure Coleen! Thanks for posting! Hope you’re doing well!!
mandy - It’s true! We used raw local honey for cough/sore throat and also to help with some respiratory allergies (not for asthma but that’s another story…) And the recipe above with lemon, ginger and cayenne is my own go-to in the winter time! It totally works. I’ll have to learn more about the buckwheat honey though. Something new to try this year!
landriav - GREAT to hear Mandy! Thanks for sharing!! I hope you and your sweet family had a great holiday and are not needing any honey or cayenne! 🙂
Erin - oh Wow!! I just came across your blog on pinterest, and realized that we went to high school together. Wonderful blog… loving all of your recipes!! 🙂 Erin (London) Bagwell
landriav - Ha! Small world Erin!! Thank you and so nice to hear from you! 🙂
Gracie - Hi Landria! We are bee keepers and this was our first year of honey supply. Needless to say, not one of us has gotten so much as a sniffle this year! The local honey (from our backyard!) has really helped our sons allergies also!:) Thank you for the great post!
landriav - Hey Gracie!! Very cool to hear! Thanks for sharing!!!