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Grass fed, grass fed. You think I say it enough?

Okay, so I guess you all are starting to learn my obsession with grass fed beef. It’s not because I’m a food snob, well, not really. And it’s not because I love spending money. You must not know my husband if you think that is the case! I love the organic grass fed beef because I think it’s close to the perfect food for kids. For one, you can always add in plenty of good veggies to whatever you’re cooking. And two, it has so many nutrients such as Vitamin A, D B complex, E, iron, calcium and a host of other minerals. It’s also has high 
levels of Omega 3s (twice as much as grain fed cows according to NPR and Nurtritional Journal) which is so important for kids. Did you know that the nutrients in organic grass fed beef can:

  • boost brain development process; help with brain function
  • help control ADHD
  • help with learning difficulties such as dyslexia and dyspraxia
  • and even be beneficial in treating eczema in children?

According to Science News, “Children who had increased amounts of omega-3 fatty acids performed better in school, in reading and in spelling and had fewer behavioral problems.”

Did I also mention that it has high levels beta carotene, a cancer-fighting CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) which also support a healthy immune system, and there is almost no risk of getting E. Coli. Oh and last but certainly not least, no hormones or chemicals in these cow’s, or their food! I do not want my daughter to start her period at age 9. She’s growing up fast enough as is!

If you’d like more information on this, check out: The Purdue University study info at, (great resource about families and nutrtion), Sean Croxton’s,, or to name a few.