What do you think?
What I would really love for this page/blog is to be a sort of community where you can share your nutritional experiences/perspectives. Soon we can post on the stiritup.me facebook page (please click on this link and hit “like” so I can set this up), or directly to the blog (since not everyone has a facebook account). I think this will be such a great way for everyone to share and learn. Daphne posted a great comment under “Good ole southern meal”. She had some really helpful advice on ways to introduce cauliflower mash to kids that might be use to traditional mashed potatoes. Thanks for the tip Daphne! See…we are all learning!
I would love to hear if you cook something. Was it good, was it awful, did you make any changes that helped, or hurt it? And I promise my feelings won’t be hurt if you or your kids didn’t like something. Maybe we can figure out together a way to help them like it better next time. I’d also love to hear if you have an idea about a future post or just if you have a question. Got it? Good! 🙂 Oh, and please still feel free to email me directly too if it’s more personal. I’d love to chat!