Just two quick things for today…
So over the past few months I have referenced or linked to many things that I love (from hand blenders to coconut oils) so I thought it would be easier to have one page where all of the non-perishable things (too bad I can’t link to Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods!) are listed. Anyway, if you look at my menu section, look for “My Favorite Things” and click there. I hope this helps you to organize your kitchen so you can easily order what you need, or at least have a visual of the product so you’ll know what to look for. And now I don’t have to post boring pictures like this knife, although it is my favorite and perfect for finely cutting veggies in the colander. Anyway, sorry, I just felt I couldn’t have a post without a picture and this was the best I could do with so little time today.
Also, and more importantly, I wanted to really thank everyone for first reading my blog. I know your down time is limited so it means a lot to me you spend some of that time reading here! And second, thank you for those who make comments on the site. I LOVE the interaction and that is really what keeps me motivated. Please keep it coming and as always, feel free comment on, or about anything!!
Again, sorry for today’s post but know that I do have a great meal that I made today so will post that tomorrow! Enjoy your Saturday!