I know, I know, corny title.
Anyway, I’m sorry it’s been a week since I’ve posted but with my busy time of year with my photography business and well, getting to come to the beach…
I’ve been taking a little break.
But, before we left, it was nice and cool in Hotlanta (finally!). I love cooking big pots of stews, meats, and soups this time of year! And between the cool and football season, I felt like I had to start the season off with a big ‘ole pot of chili.
If you live in Atlanta and are familiar with Souper Jenny, she has a fabulous cookbook for turkey chili. I did something similar sans the beans and sugar and a few minor tweeks. Many people ask what I do in place of and well, it’s easy, I just add in more meat or veggies! I used sweet peppers like the recipe called for this time, but next time, I really want to try sweet potatoes instead. They are about the same consistency of beans so I think they would not only be really satisfying, also super tasty.
And for those of you wondering why I don’t put legumes in my oh-so-sensitive-body, here’s one explanation from Mark Sisson’s Blog.
Okay, so for this chili, here is what you need:
- 1 lb grass fed ground beef
- 1 lb ground turkey
- 2 large cans diced tomatoes
- 1 large sausage
- 2 onions
- sweet peppers
- 1/2 cup coconut palm sugar
- 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1-2 tsp pepper
- 1 tbsp celtic sea salt (or to taste – I like more)
- 2 tbsp chili pepper
- 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
- and any additional seasoning you might like such as cumin or more spice
Since we were heading out of town, I wanted to make this quickly so I used pre-cut onions (2 packs) and tri-colored sweet peppers (1 pack).
Start by pouring some evoo (or butter or ghee) in a pot and add onions and peppers. Cook until just brown (but don’t over cook them) and set aside.
Next, chop up your sausage and cook.
Then cook your ground meat until brown. Next, add in the sausage, onions and pepper, and everything else. Stir together and cook on low for about an hour so the flavors can really soak in. Add some avocado, greek yogurt or cheese, and enjoy, for the week.
Happy Fall!
Jill - I see you have diced tomatoes in the picture but not in the ingredients. Did you use the two cans? Also, how long do you sauté the potatoes for if using sweet potatoes? Thanks.
landriav - Hey Jill, yes sorry! I used two cans (well, actually two big ones 28 oz). Sorry, this time of year my attention to detail is awful!!! Thanks for asking!
Jill - Thanks, we ate it for the second night tonight…turned out great! Love your blog and your recipes too!
Jen Anderton - I was at Landria’s house yesterday and tasted this delicious chili. I’m a big chili connoisseur.. It’s the best I’ve ever had and even had beans!! I could eat it everyday for every meal.