My friend Daphne was telling me about Mache (Whole Foods) for making salads the other day. I’m always up for new stuff so thought we’d try it instead of our usual spinach for a change. And, guess what, the kids loved it! Yay!
So today, I thought I’d use it for my lunch salad with bison. I cooked up about 1/2 pound in my cast iron pan, and added celtic sea salt, garlic and pepper. Then I chopped up a tomato and cucumber. For the dressing, I just squeezed some Whole Foods Organic German Mustard (like a spicy mustard) and some Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar (Whole Foods as well) and mixed it with the warm bison. It didn’t take me more than 10 minutes to make and it was delicious.
Me: “Hey Tate, scoot over so I can take a picture please. Tate. TATE!”
Tate: “But it smells so good mom!”In fact, my son, after having already eaten his lunch, took my bowl and said “this is better than chili!!”, and then proceeded to eat most of it. I was really hungry and enjoying my salad, but hey, I won’t ever complain (well, not really!) that my son likes salad.
That grin…”yes, I am eating your lunch”.
Anytime, buddy.